Whenever I read articles written by non-English speakers I feel wow that’s amazing, but looks so difficult for me that’s impossible, I have a fear that I can’t write it well, how would other people think about me? after a long time, now I realized that’s just fear, the fear to protect me from danger, actually often time it does not help because there is no danger at all, in the past, I wasn't able to see it and understand it, it has been stopping me from evolving.
I can imagine what might happen if I write an article in English, will there be someone attacking me or laugh at me? will they say what a fucking article, you got the wrong syntax everywhere in the article, that’s bullshit, you are trash, loser?
So what’s the worst case? I guess it’s just nobody read it, that’s it. I won’t be in danger, instead, I challenged myself successfully, I got more confidence and evolve which is good for me, there could even be a case that I get a clap, and this could trigger me to do a bigger challenge, I don’t know, but I can’t say it impossible.
And I understood that what I thought I couldn’t do that is just my imagination, a world of myself rather than reality. Ray Dalio said “Embrace Reality and Deal With It”, yeah, I throw my thought away and did that, feel good now. Thank you so much, you changed my life!
So what about you? what if you want to write your ideas down to the public but have a fear? is there fear? is there danger? is that true? if I can do that why you can’t? I’m just a super normal guy.
If you are not sure whether you are correct or not, I suggest you give it a try and see what happens to validate your assumptions. Just as said in The Fifth Discipline, “Hanging your assumptions in front of you so that you and others can reflect on them is a delicate and powerful art”.
If we reflect on ourselves, we will see there is a gap between us and reality, the gap is between assumption and reality, the reality is how actually the real world works, it’s like a system, a machine, where there are all kinds of invisible rules and connections under the cover. The more we know about how it actually work the closer we are to the truth. When we find the trigger, it’s time to change.
Right here, I highly recommend 2 powerful thinking tools: Critical Thinking, System Thinking. Which made me understand myself and the reality better, and I do get lots of benefits from those. If you don’t know what book to pick right now, Principles by Ray Dalio could be a good choice, when I read this book I started to be able to see a different world and this changed my whole life.